For if the Emperor is with me, who may stand against me?
And if the Emperor protects me, who may harm me?
And if the Emperor guides me, who may mislead me?
And if the Emperor forgives me, who may judge me?
And if the Emperor hears me, who may ignore me?
And if the Emperor is my cause, who may claim to be holier?
My ignorance is my faith.
My faith is my shield.
My armour is my contempt.
My hatred is my greatest weapon.
The Emperor's will is my torch.
His will be done.
For today, the Emperor is with me and I shall not fear.
By His glorious name, daemons and heretics will fall before us,
Sinners will fear the Emperor's wrath,
And all enemies of the Imperium will be driven back into the warp.
In the name of the Emperor, for Holy Terra, for blessed Mankind,
For the glory of the Imperium,
We will fight to the last man and the last round,
And in so doing, we earn our salvation.
Look there lads, over yonder hills,
Set down your games and cheap thrills.
The future beckons, boys,
No time for electronic toys.
As childhood years fly,
And teenage years pass by,
Onwards we march from security,
The slow march to maturity.
New Essay Alert
3 months ago
you're posts are getting significantly weirder and weirder... is the emperor an euphemism?
w40k quotes.
what i meant is:
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