Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Why trees are like nuclear power plants

Now, at first glance, most of you would instantly conclude that trees are nothing like nuclear power plants at all. And, at least physically, I suppose that's true. I mean, this:

Looks nothing like this:

But let us look deeper than the mere surface of the issue, as opposed to that organisation known as Greenpeace.

What do trees do? They undergo photosynthesis, which involves taking up carbon dioxide and water, and producing glucose and oxygen as a byproduct.
Similarily, nuclear power plants utilise a chain reaction of nuclear fission to produce electricity, with water vapour and small amounts of radioactive waste as a byproduct.

Nuclear power plants sometimes undergo potentially catastrophic events, such as the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, or the recent events in Fukushima. Sometimes, people die just from the construction of a nuclear power plant, in industrial accients or the like.
Similarily, trees are also a catalyst for disaster. All major bushfires involve trees as the primary fuel source, a fuel source that leads to the destruction of countless homes and properties, and the deaths of animals and people. Think of all the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere during such an event. And sometimes, a tree will drop a branch onto a car or a person for apparently no reason at all.

There are those that would claim that because nuclear power plants are man-made, and trees are natural, then that makes trees different.
Oh, I'm sorry. I was not aware that we, as human beings, are not natural. We are animals just as any other species on this planet today. We are part of the natural world. And hence, what we do is also natural. If a vulture uses a rock to break open an ostrich egg, does that make the vulture and the rock unnatural? If a monkey uses a stick to catch ants to eat, does that make the monkey and the stick unnatural? No. So then why are humans and human tools labelled as "not natural" simply because we made them? Is this not bias? Is this not speciesism?

Nuclear power plants are like trees. Trees are like nuclear power plants.


Spcogg said...

Lol the pictures was a nice touch. +1

Bill said...

Exactly. Now if only those tree-hugging Greenpeace people understood this and stopped undermining the best source of alternative energy to reduce CO2 emissions.
