"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." - Winston Churchill
Sums up Year 12, doesn't it? First 18 years of our life over...tomorrow is the rest of your life. Guess we better make the most of it. You only live life once, after all. Gotta make my mark, then get out of here...the illness is life, the cure is death.
Can't believe that, 13 years ago, I was some kid in Prep who had glasses and couldn't do anything very well. Now all that's different is...I need glasses, and I still can't do anything very well. ^^ How times change...
I guess the aim of this blog was to try and explore my past, and in some respects come to terms with many of the things that happened in my life so that I can face tomorrow confident that I have mastered the past. It truly is so that he who controls the present controls the past, and he who controls the past controls the future.
Congratulations to every with cross country today :) Guess we'll find out the results on...Monday? And while every house can't come first, I wish we didn't have losers...today, everyone was a winner.
Memory of the day: Final assembly, Grade 6. The entire class stood outside the hall afterwards holding on to each other, hugging, crying, shaking hands. Even me. Song of the day is my graduation song :)
Today is the 70th anniversary of Britain and France's declaration of war on Germany, thereby beginning the Second World War. I think Australia was the next country to declare, about 30 minutes after Chamberlain announced it to the world via shortwave radio. Also happens to be Legacy week this week. I encourage everyone to go buy a badge and support our diggers. Lest We Forget.
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