Congratulations to anyone who got a Services award :)
Hope you got your Formal photos today; if not, check out the Hockey Pavilion on Friday. Remember your money!
I hate my laptop.
My headphones suck.
I had an argument with a close friend and the world is going to shit.
If you grow up being taught that a specific colour is "red", but someone else is taught that it is "green", while in reality they are both the same colour...then who is right? If each truly has an inherent belief that they are correct, then neither is lying. If that is so, then both must be telling the truth. But how can they both be telling the truth if it is a mutually exclusive event? The colour is obviously either "red" or "green". Thus, either different realities exist for different people, or something must exist other than right and wrong, or true and false, or yes and no. At the same time, this something else must also be an absolute, not a "maybe".
Reality is all about perception. How you see the world around you defines what you believe. Even if that brings you into conflict with other people's perceptions, it doesn't mean either of you is wrong...rather, simply that different people live different lives in different worlds. So it's entirely possible that religion isn't a lie...but that doesn't mean it's not mass delusion.
Memory of the day: This isn't really a memory, but today is such an important day that I'm waiving that...
1st September, 1939
The Invasion of Poland
60 German divisions with 9000 guns and 2750 tanks, supported by 2300 warplanes, crush Polish resistance within two weeks. It is the continuation of the Great War, which paused 20 years earlier. Now begins the March of the Dictators in a war far more terrible.
Lest We Forget.
New Essay Alert
3 months ago
*thumbs up for your choice of the 1st song.
One of the best composed music piece ever I think =] I can never get tired of hearing it.
Stuff Uverworld though >.>
In response to your blog, let me ask you a question: "If a tree falls, by itself, in a forest where there is no one, would it make a sound?"
Its simple, the person who calls green red was not taught english. Besides, red and green are merely what the uneducated (that's you oj :D) call the electromagnetic waves with a wavelength that lie between 400-650nm. Preception is all about being wrong. He who is always right would have no need perceive.
And Jenny, i think a better question is that if nobody hears the tree fall down, did the tree fall down? Uncertainty is slightly different from different realities...
Uverworld is epic. Some of it.
And that's more like OJ. You had me worried for a moment.
"I had an argument with a close friend and the world is going to shit."
No it's not.
The world is going to shit, whether or not you had the argument with your friend.
I still say religion is a lie.
My useless two cents for the day.
If a tree falls in a forest where there is no-one, then yes, it still makes a sound. The reverberations might not be heard by anyone, but they're still there.
Hungy, deaf people can still see the tree falling. :)
Well, I meant that "world is going to shit" thing as an addition to the "argument with a close friend".
Religion is mass delusion. :)
ok oj, it looks like uve finally made the ultimate transgression: uve mentioned the word "reality" several times in ur discussion, and thus uve clearly and unapologetically transformed ur writing into a lowly Whose Reality reflective piece. My respect for u has gone out the window. Although i guess u are now making ur blog more practically useful. lol
anyway, as for ur "red" and "green" thought experiment, im afraid my opinion is that u are merely taking flexibility/uncertainty regarding the definitions of the two words, and unreasonably translating that into a wider claim about different realities.
By the way, as im arguing against u again, id just like to point out that i do in fact LIKE ur blog considerably.
Don't really agree with the Truth thing oj...I don't think the truth has to be mutually exclusive, instead I reckon it's subjective, just like alot of other things in the universe =]
What is the truth? really, try and define it =p Isn't it just what we think is right, what is, or what we think everyone else believes? Sadists, optical illusions and mass hysteria neatly disprove this I think =] If the truth is dependant on us then, and not on some universal absolute, then is it so strange for it to be subjective? After all, humans are terribly subjective beings! (I for example can't even choose my favourite colour =_=")
You can't just keep saying that every new revalation becomes the new, irrevocable, absolute truth, because thats just cheating to verify your theory >_> And even if there WAS an ultimate, awesome universal absolute truth. Who'd be able to prove it was? =p
And lol yes, this is totally becoming whose reality blog =p Keep it up oj! ^^
Bill, no reply to my previous comment on the old blogpost? Admitting defeat, are we? :D
Well, it was a "Reality" piece. I'll be sure to avoid mentioning it again in the near future :)
What are words, Bill, if not artificial constructs designed to rationalise our environment? Because, ultimately, it is about realities.
Truth is different to truth, Steve. While stuff you mentioned might distort truth, the Truth is an absolute. Maybe it's just a collection of all the truths in the Universe, I don't know. I'd like to think that our legal system is aiming for something realistic, though. :)
Mere existance is proof enough, even if we can't comprehend it.
Sif it is! Legal system is just a body that enforces laws and determines how people should be punished according to the 'general consensus' of society. In different communities there are different laws, so i hardly see how the legal system is aiming for this absolute truth. I mean, if it IS absolute, then shouldn't they all be heading towards the same place?
Even if we could find your absolute truth, we wouldn't be able to prove it was it.
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