So there's a LAN at Hungy's today. So why am I still at home? Well, it goes a little something like this:
Last night, I told my mother that I would be going to Hungy's today. Her first reaction was "Why didn't you go yesterday?". See, I had gone to St Kilda yesterday to pick up my Chinese visa for my upcoming trip to the Motherland. But since Hungy only came up with the idea of the LAN yesterday afternoon after I had already returned home, it would have been inconcievable for me to have attended a non-existant LAN yesterday. But irregardless of that, mother then decided that having me buy another Metcard just to go to Hungy's to play games would be a waste of money. Instead, she suggested that I stay home and play on the Wii. Apparently I'll get lots of exercise or something. Hahahahahahahahaha. I played Brothers in Arms. Sat there on the couch and blasted Nazi scum left and right. Yeah. Exercise.
The interesting point is that my mother continually insists that I get out of the house. I'm fairly sure a two-hour round trip on public transport to Hungy's is more outdoors than me sitting at home on the laptop/Wii.
On another note, I have a little black notebook with which I am supposed to take note of all the things I need to acquire in China. Mother wants medicine. She has not given me the box that the medicine comes in, nor the bottle which holds the medicine, nor the medicine itself, so I have literally no idea of what I'm supposed to buy for her. And yet somehow, "Write it down!" as if I ought to know already.
Sunday afternoon, mother's bringing sister home from North Shore. Doesn't have keys for some reason, so she stands at the back door and yells for me to open it. At that time, I'm running around the house closing all the curtains, because it's getting dark. When I finish, I go back to my room and put my headset on. At that moment, the back door slams open and mother storms to my room loudly denouncing my use of the headset and thus the inability to hear her.
Question 1: How the fuck am I supposed to hear you from the other side of the house.
Question 2: Why don't you get your facts straight before bitching about me.
Question 3: How the fuck did you open the door if you didn't have keys.
Question 4: Did you realise that even if I had been in my room, without my headset on, there would have been no way I could have heard you from the back door anyway.
Question 5: How about next time, instead of standing at the back door, actually walk 8 metres to my window and see if I'm there or not. Tap on the glass or something.
Question 6: Where the fuck was my sister during all of this? With your keys? I don't think so. Your keys only open the house doors, not the mailbox or anything.
And then last night, I hear her on the phone to one of her friends bitching about me. Yeah, well, fuck you too.
Stupid old stingy hag.
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3 months ago