Well, obviously if you're female already this doesn't apply to you. Unless you're a female man.
I was showering earlier, and as I was getting dressed afterwards I thought about something I was told when I went to Thailand at the end of 2008. Or was it 2007? I can't quite remember anymore. Well, it was the time I kissed a transvestite. But that's a totally different story.
Thailand is quite famous for its ladyboys, that is, boys who elect to undergo sex changes, which feed its copious tourist industry.
Our tour guide told us of a method which families use to see if their young male children will grow up to be ladyboys. They watch how they put their clothes on after they wash. If they put the pants on first, they may show inclination to be a ladyboy. If they put their shirt on first, they probably won't show any inclination.
So. Are you secretly a woman? Do you put your pants on first after you shower, or your shirt?
New Essay Alert
3 months ago
LOL yeah I wanted to hear about the transvestite thing as well!!!!
And I put my..shirt on first. sigh.
"I kissed a girl and i...wait a minute..."
Hrm, does underwear count? Cuz i put on boxers first, then undershirt, then pants?
YOU KISSED A TRANSVESTITE??!! HAHAHAHA :] dont worry I wont judge you...much :P
hm :{ kinda sad for the people in thailand.
O.O I put my shirt on first. damnit!
btw...did anyone else notice the ad from "ladyboykisses"? ahem...so i just clicked on it...NOT A GOOD EXPERIENCE
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