Friday, March 26, 2010

My own little salute

Okay, so, you know how people have their own little distinct way of greeting/farewelling people...I've finally got my own.

Greeting: Right hand outstretched in front of body. Exact height placement depends on excitement at seeing person being greeted.
The 'sup' headnod. Sharp jerk of head upwards by a few degrees, then slower lowering to neutral state.

Farewell: Right hand wave, fingers outstretched. Chest height.
Right hand outstretched, palm facing inwards, middle finger touching right eyebrow.

The final gesture as the greatest significance for me personally. Similar in many respects to a military salute, not only does it display that my right hand is unarmed and thus unable to provoke aggressive action on the person being farewelled, but the palm of my right hand partially covers my right eye, blocking vision in my one good eye (as my left eye is lazy/shortsighted/something).

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