So, today, I doubled the number of blogs that I'm following! Yes, it increased from 3 to 6. Not much of an improvement in real terms, but I feel like I'm making a difference! ^_^ I mean, it's really quite inspiring to see that there are real live people who are following your blog! So I thought I might give some others that satisfaction too :)
In other news, I'm learning how to play LoL. Since it's free to play, and I actually know several other people actively playing, I'm really rather encouraged in my efforts to learn the game. xD How good I am is another matter entirely...
I have not done any homework yet. Well, okay, I did my MasterBio module 6 (24/25...0.4% of my semester grade lost in that single question wrong ><), but that's like, piddly.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 is shit. Like, dedicated server ping is horrible, worse than Modern Warfare 2 with it's LACK of dedicated servers. And the graphics are so resource intense that it compounds the lag, makes the gaming experience completely and utterly useless. Unplayable. Definitely not on my shopping list.
On that note, ATI sucks balls. As does ASUS. This laptop is a piece of shit. Stop freezing. Seriously. Three times in two hours is just piss poor.
New Essay Alert
3 months ago
Another one on to the LoL bandwagon D: ...I feel like playing now ! Hahah
and it's okay I have done NO homework / study at all :I
I started playing on Thursday actually xD It's fun! Have you ever played DoTA? If not, it might be a little difficult to get into LoL...
That's not something to be proud of Melody! xD Man, I need to get inspired...
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