It's been a while since I posted, but this post'll probably make up for it.
I'm going to quit playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
I know, I know. I've invested over 300 hours into that game since November last year. But the point is, it's gotten to the point where the utterly shit parts of the game just make it unviable to play.
First all of, my pet fucking peeve, are the marathon + lightweight + commando knifers. Seriously. Grow some balls and get a real fucking kit. Fuck off. Die. I hope a deranged lunatic comes into your house tonight and rapes you, then cuts off all your limbs and let's you starve to death. Seriously. Not even shitting around here. Wouldn't even shed a tear if that happened; I'd probably end up dancing and singing through the streets with a big placard. If all of you were crucified right now, I might even consider coming back to play. Seriously. That's how much I fucking hate you guys.
Second of all, game modes. Like Search and Destroy, or Sabotage. What the fuck are these game modes anyway. Search and Destroy is basically CS. If I wanted to play CS, I'd actually go and play CS. Fuck this shit. At least people camp properly in CS. Unlike in SnD, or Sabotage, in which they camp directly next to the bomb sites with perfect cover and fields of fire that cover literally every approach, thus making impossible for any opposition team to succesfully achieve the game objective. Sabotage is basically camp. Camp some more. Shoot people who are rushing. Camp. Walk forward one pace. More camping. Camp. Camp camp camp. Camp round draw, sudden death, everyone calls in their killstreak rewards.
Next is the absurd spawn system. What the fuck. Some guy dies on the other side of the map, and he just so happens to spawn literally next to me, so that as he spawns I'm moving directly through his field of fire. Give me a fucking break. If we're just handing out kills now, why not create a map in which the entire team stands in a line and tries to kill the enemy team as quickly as possible?
Next are the fucking claymores. What, sometimes they blow up three seconds after walking through them, and sometimes straight away? Make up your fucking mind. Pick one time, and stick with it.
Akimbo pistols (USP, G18s, all handguns or automatic pistols). No really, what the fuck. Stick Stopping Power and Steady Aim onto those things, and you've essentially created a long-range shotgun. Akimbo shotguns I can stand; that shit has a range limit. G18s are way too accurate. I'm sorry, have you seen the amount of spray they do? Pistols are simply overpowered in this game; a pistol does just as much damage as a rifle. Despite this being completely and utterly impossible.
Next off, what the fuck is with quickscoping. I'm sorry, perfect aim while not even looking down the scope, with the crosshairs not even pointed at the target? No, that's just stupid. And fucking retarded. Why the fuck is possible to fire while scoping. This makes no sense at all, and the insane accuracy that it provides is just imbalanced.
Hackers. Are fucking everywhere. And yet there's no kick option from the game. What a stupid piece of shit. Really.
Lack of dedicated servers really shits me. I'm sorry, did you think peer-to-peer connections would actually improve game speeds? Yeah, right, because like, the host computer obviously is always going to be able to cope with everyone connecting to them.
On that note, the entire match making system is flawed. I join a game. Host leaves, the room dies. Alright, I join again. Same thing. Over and over and over fucking again. Then when I do actually get into a room, it's got a hacker. So I leave. When I try to join a new game, it automatically puts me back into the game with the hacker. Over and over and over again. No really, fuck you. Maybe don't dedicate servers, but at least let me pick which game I want to join. Stupid piece of shit Infinity Ward.
Why the fuck does the RPG curve when it's fired. 'nuff said.
The entire game is console port. No, I don't give a flying fuck what you say, Infinity Ward, it's a console port. Wait, what? It has keyboard and mouse connectivity, plus the ability to change graphics settings? IT'S A FUCKING CONSOLE PORT. IF IT DIDN'T HAVE THAT SHIT, YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON PC, PERIOD. The PC version of the game is EXACTLY the same as the console version, down to the normal console limits of 12 players per server, peer-to-peer connections, and other little shitty things like that. If you didn't have the ability to play with a mouse and a keyboard on the PC version, WHAT THE FUCK ELSE AM I GOING TO PLAY THE FUCKING GAME WITH?! And if I can't change the goddamn graphics settings, how the fuck are different machines going to handle the game? You stupid dumb fucks. Stop trying to sugarcoat shit. Really. It's just a console port.
So yes, I'm quitting this shit. Fuck it, fuck you, fuck Infinity Ward.
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3 months ago
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