Well, since so many people disliked my music, the music player has been removed. Despite asking for people to send me songs that they liked so I could put it up there, all they did was complain. So it's gone. Shame. All this download limit and nothing to waste it on.
Everything in Nature is about balance. Male/Female. Life/Death. Black/White. Up/Down. Left/Right. Fire/Water. Earth/Sky. Right/Wrong. Hot/Cold. Good/Bad. Life will often oscillate between two extremes, but remember that, for every bad day, there is a good day coming. It's like karma, but for life, rather than for your actions. Even when things seem absolutely horrible and there's no possible way it can get any worse, all that means it that things can only go uphill from there. The glass isn't empty; it's just not full right now.
This inherent balance in Nature is applicable to everything, a sort of all-pervading state of homestasis, if you will. Balance is everything. With the good comes the bad. With the bad comes the good. You think you're happy now, but sadness is inevitable.
Passed by PLC today. Massive. Rich school. =="
Galactic Circus is freaking awesome. Thanks for the invite, Sam ^^ M9 is great. Definitely will go back there when year is over. It's like room clearance, but with a billion little kids running around. And you get to shoot them! Got the perfect plan for next time...
Had a retarded as all fuck dream. But I know not to trust my dreams. Dreams are for the foolish, the weak, those who still have hope for something better. And yet...I can't get it out of my head.
Memory of the day: First day of Year 7. Thinking that none of my class looked very intelligent, so we couldn't have been the ALP class. Then finding out that we were the ALP class. Relief on other people's faces too...guess I don't look very smart. I'm not. Thought Man-Hin and Sam were twins. :) Didn't know anyone. Lonely. Kinda got used to that, through year 7. Only contact I had with outside classes was...PE, and debating.
New Essay Alert
3 months ago
So I WAS going to go to sleep. But I figured an extra blog-post-browse-read-40 minutes later wasn't going to kill.
Screw what people think about your music player. It's YOUR music player. Put it up :) I don't care if it's Screamo Emo or Fantasticals Classicals or whatever else you have, at least it's different.
First day of Year 7. Ermm. I was a bitch. Or tried to assert my intelligence above most - then to realise I just came from a very stupid primary school.
And yeah, Man-him & Sam were so related. They sat next to each other during Ms. DeCruz's class, and myself.. opposite them. I was confused.
PE = Fail.
Debating = [Now is my cue to exercise my D. Captainess] Epic Fail also. Lols.
By the way.
I think this fits you:
Haha, thanks for taking the time to read, Maddi :)
Yeah...well, they complained, and I listened. Eh, if it means they're actually going to read this stuff properly, I don't mind, I guess. Just annoying that Annie was the only one who bothered recommending music.
I don't recall that...not that I really paid attention to anyone, first day.
Oh, good old days. :) Still remember making fun of Chris for watching anime porn. Hahaha ^^
PE was good...Thunderhock! Warball! Our not-winning streak for warball was...50 games? :) Not bad. Steve was a freaking tank, though.
Debating...hey, our team did alright. And I met some really nice people ^^
THAT IS AN AWESOME LAYOUT! I will put it in tomorrow ^^
Yay for Chem crammage.
Lol, if you'd asked me earlier, I would've given you a very long list of music. Very nostalgic of times before we were born + the stuff we grew up with + the stuff that is yet to pop up in Australia. Hahaha.
I'm pretty sure I spent the entire first day sussing everyone out. I may have skimmed over you though. As with the others that decided their mouths weren't going to open on that day.
And what do you mean Steve WAS a tank? It's your Captain of Athletics we're talking about! Lols. Tankage.
No probs about the layout. It's OJ :D
Totally offended that you didn't think a weedy little asian kid with glasses didn't look intelligent Oj >3 For all you know i might have put alot of hard work into looking smart =_=
More year 7 memories plox haha XD I remember on orientation day i sat at almost the very top of the hall thing so i could feel aloof and superior hahah ^^"
I remember my failure at debating, and angi's fluffy pink pen, falling over when we ran around the gym and laurence 'using his head' in our first every volleyball game =]
Btw oj, congrats, you are actually holding true to the 'daily' in daily glass of oj. Keep it up haha ^^
Balance is for the weak. Must have everything, just like everyone else's food. If they don't have enough then grow some more.
Thank you OJ, circles are round.
Year 7...sigh was so stupid back then. Actually i was smarter then, comparatively, but still stupid. But i was fat though and that was all that counted :D
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