Music player has been disabled until I can find a stable host for my music files that actually links me to the page that it's located, not some download page. If you can help, that'd be great.
*update* New one added, the right side gets cut off, but have a look and see if it works. Any song suggestions are welcome :)
Francis - "I'll sleep you with some time, Vino."
Nice to see that Francis and Vino are such..."close...friends. ;)
Got to school late today...left the house at 7:42 and saw the 7:47 bus leaving. Managed to get onto a bus that came at 7:53, though, but for a while there I was completely lost. So, the question is, am I truly the bus driver of my life, or am I merely a passenger to Fate? Was thinking about it, and I think that it's a mixture of the two. Of course, everyone's life is dictated by Fate. But, along the way, I can steer it in particular directions. Think of life as a stream, constantly carving a new path. Ultimately, the stream will always flow downhill. But along the way, a variety of factors can affect the path that it takes. Rock type, soil type, plants, animals...even the tiniest ant can dam potential paths.
If you're ever lost in a really cold location, like Antarctica or Greenland, wherever the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius, do NOT warm yourself by exercising. Exercising means sweating, and sweat will freeze, encasing your body in a suit of ice, leading to immobilization and possibly death. Something that seems to be a logical choice can have deadly consequences...even if the consequences do not logically flow on from the action. But, hey, we're humans, possibly the most irrational beings around. Which other animal will cry when their breeding partner sleeps will another individual?
Things are better now. Had a good talk, managed to work some things out. I have hope. But...will leave everything else till after exams, for both people concerned. Go get your 99.95 :)
To all you stargazers out there, for the next three weeks, Saturn's rings will be invisible as they will be lined up exactly with Earth. From one side to the other, those rings are 300,000km wide...and have a thickness of barely 15km. Happens once every 15 years...encourage you all to go take a look.
Memory of the day: 1995, four years old, in China during Autumn. Sitting on my uncle's bike as he tried to ride through mud. We got stuck. Can't remember anything else of that visit...but I remember that bike ride. Strange, what one remembers as we get's not the extraordinary times, important as they are, it's the normal times, the times that all is at peace in our Universe.
New Essay Alert
3 months ago
Dear OJ,
As a person with vision I'd just like to comment on ur appalling sense and lack of sight. Fate may or maynot be there, but still our choices affect our ways. One choice will lead to another and ultiamtely the goal is achieved. One cannot merely say it is fate as it really isnt. We take the opportunities that we are given and strive to attain others. Were is the fate in that? If it were really fate no one would really try for anything and still attain their dreams. Yeah OJ i THOUGHT SO! :P till then id just like to comment on ur stupid communist ways :) love ...
lol didnt know u were such a dreamer/introvert, oj. not that its a bad thing though.
however, my opinion is that ur trying too hard to find meaning in ordinary things. still, we now know what ur talking about if ur last word happens to be "Mudbike" or something (not sure if u did citizen kane, but if not, then u wont understand).
lols? BAHAHHAHAAHHA ahhhhhh bill such a lovely, sexy person :) love ...
What the hell, Long =="
oh god.
hahahaha yeah it really is easy to tell its long...only he can sound so uniquely drunk and horny. dirty little bastard, lol
Oj your posts are too long. Suggest cutting down so that my comments can be shorter and i don't have to endure your bloody music for so long.
1)Should know better than comment on francis/vinno's relationship. One of those unspoken truth things.
2)I disagree. Exercising will cause sweat, incasing you in ice and hence putting you into cryostasis instead of being suffocated/crushed by layers and layers of snow.
3)You are encouraging me to not see something, an event that occurs once every 15 years. Suggest you find me something to do which i'm already not doing.
4)See bill's comment.
And your music sucks (go on, bag me about my kpop)
Hungy ur kpop sucks :P you see NORMAL music is not all high pitched and not as bad. Although i dont support OJ's taste, at least SOME of his songs are ok :)and since wen am i ever drunk? SOBER im COMPLETELY bill love ...
LOL at Teresa Teng's songs! My dad used to play them over and over again until I knew the lyrics to her classic hits - -"
I used to blog until I found myself ranting about the same old rubbish everyday...
Your blog makes me think about my school's context study on "Whose Reality". Haha :D
Oj, i think i have to agree with anonymous number 1 on this one. I do not think that my future is determined by "Rock type, soil type, plants" etc. that i pass by in life >3
Fate plays no part; our choices dictate what happens to us, for better or worse. If you really want something, nothing should stop you from getting it =]
Hungy, until they work out a way to unfreeze someone from cryostasis without destroying every cell in their body, I'll stick with the shivering over the sweating.
You have shit kpop. XD
Elvis Presley in the West, Teresa Teng in the East...
Deng Xiao Ping ruled China by day, Teresa Teng ruled by night.
Nancy, surprised that our school's context is also Whose Reality? ^^
Steve, Anon1 was Long. =="
Rock type, soil type, plants, ants...they're just analogies for factors in life that are constant, but out of our control.
Fate plays a major part in a person's life; your circumstances when you're born, and those that affect you in your formative years, will stay with you for the rest of your life, no matter what. Just look at a certain CFK.
OJ, nothing is really out of our control. Our very existance depends on our choices. If we decide one day to destroy everything you call constant OJ, then eventually it will happen through our advances in technology. And also fate doesnt always decide what happens to you wen u were born. It was your parents choice that landed you where you are. Once you are in this "fate" it is your choices, missed opportunities that place you where you are at this moment in time. You cannot blame fate for the lack of action that you have taken. CFK had his choices. he chose to control rather than protect. He wasnt a bad man at first, but his choices led him to disaster. Dragon
Long, even if our Fate is decided by other people's choices, then it's still Fate. I think you don't understand what I mean by Fate...Fate is like, the destination, the general direction of travel. Choices can make temporary changes, but at the end of the day, as it must to all men, death came to Charles Foster Kane.
Oli !
Came here to listen to the music you recommended...
I agree with Hungy XD I'm gonna stick with my KPOP too. :)
Also, its great you think of girlfriends as "breeding partners." -_-"
Ok then lol i agree with long. Oj, fate is just your excuse for wanting to be lazy >3
Yes i agree that what happens to us is decided by other peoples choices, but i do not agree that there is a single definite path that has been marked out for us. I'd rather like to think of it like the Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment =] (bigbang theory ftw!)
lols steve :) ok so wat ur saying OJ is that we have our destinies all decided for us already? If thats the case id have to really disagree. Our choices define our actions whish in turn decides where we are goin in life. We are not all fated to die OJ. What we call death maybe another path for life. We cannot know this and so we cant assume that we all end up dying in a sense. And choices are definitely not temporary. Because of his mother's CHOICE to turn her son away and thus making him lose his childhood may have had a bitterness for CFK. Because of this bitterness he CHOSE to take a path where he thought he could control everything as to not lose anything else. These are the CHOICES that are made and what fate decided for him which as a result lead him to die in loneliness. Had choices been temporary he would have never lost nearly everything. Dragon
I'm sorry, but I thought we were all mortal here. If I was incorrect in assuming that, please let me now. Mind also telling me how to become immortal? Thanks.
Steve, there's a single definite path. You're born. You go to some pre-school near your house. You go to a primary school near your house. High school; if you're smart enough, if your parents work you hard enough, you get into Balwyn, or MHS. After that, university. You do a course you like, you get a job in that field. You work until you're 60. Retire. Fade away. Die. With minor variations, that's Life. That's Fate.
Long, but that's exactly what I mean. He chose things because of something that happened to him, because of a choice that his mother made for him. Did he ever truly have a choice? 100/100 times, if you had to repeat CFK's life, you'd end up taking the same path.
Maggie, do dogs have girlfriends? Cats? Cows? Sheep? Ducks? Chicken? Squid? Octopi? Fish? Horses? Mules? Donkeys? Zebras? Buffalo? Wilderbeast? Tigers? Lions? Dolphins? Whales? Polar bears? Penguins? Birds? No, when they lose their breeding partner, they harden the fuck up and find someone else. No crying, no heartbreak, nothing. Humans are the only ones.
Well, at least you have decent kpop, so it's forgiveable. Personally, I prefer this mellow stuff at the moment.
huh? Im trying to tell you that there is no predetermined path that lead you through life but rather is made by the choices you make. He had his choice to be a better man, take advantage of his mother's choice and do better things. But no, he didn't learn from her mistake but rather accentuated it to a point where he lost everything. That was his choice, he didnt have to end up dying like that. And thats not true OJ, if i were to repeat CFK's life there would be many, many things in this world i would change, hopefully for the better. I wouldnt try to control everything as he did. And yes as it does to all men, death came to CFK, BUT it is was you do in life that counts and this doesnt happen through fate, but rather choice. You ALWAYS have a choice OJ. Dragon
OJ, congrats on getting so much user activity. ull be pleased to know that i like ur blog considerably more than hungy's, despite a few aspects of ur writing that i find disagreeable, such as when u sacrifice ur sense of reason to write something that sounds more 'poetic'.
steve and long, what if free will is just an illusion? maybe its just the randomness of probability that can affect how things turn out, not ppl's 'choices'.
Long, there is a pre-determined path. Everything that leads up to your birth, everything that other people do you during your life...that makes you react in certain ways, always, and if that isn't pre-determination, nothing is.
What you would or wouldn't change in CFK's life is irrelevent; if you were CFK, nothing would change, because it'd be CFK. He never had any choice...the circumstances of his upbringing meant that he was destined to be the man that he was.
There is never a choice. What appears to be a choice is merely a facade intended to give you some feeling of "control" over your life. I mean, you woke up this morning and got out of bed. Where was the choice?
Thanks BIll. More poetic? Haha, well, I usually intend that to try and back up my reasoning. Analogies are helpful, I find, especially when they're...wordy.
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